ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia
Ten things you should know about the revised ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia? The food industry places high importance on food safety. Consumers and organizations in the supply and production chains are both affected by this topic. Certifications and appropriate measures are highly significant in the administration of value in the food industry for this reason. The only thing that can guarantee decent food quality is a specific set of standards, followed by the whole process.
The ISO standards ensure that necessary details are monitored, logged, and tracked. Some models are industry-specific (for example, the BRC for exchange) and other items-specific, but the ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia binds together several guidelines and standards to ensure universal food safety.
To enable you to understand the ISO 22000 certification in Saudi Arabia, here are the most significant parts of the Standard and what you have to know.
ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia is an internationally recognized quality management system for food safety. An organization’s certification can be persuasive up and down the generation chain, prompting organizations involved in food packaging to obtain certifications as well.

Ten things you should know about the revised ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia.
- Governance of Organizational Risks
One of the significant changes introduced by ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia 2018 version is organizational risk management. Our operational level involves risk assessment, which identifies risks and takes steps to minimize their adverse effects. It’s different when we’re talking about business risks since uncertainty can cause opportunities (positive results) as well as threats (adverse effects).
When applying the Standard, business risks that impact the performance of the FSMS must always be considered.
Once identified, the Organization should enhance the opportunities and prevent business risks.
- Internal and External Conditions
This is also a new concept for ISO 22000 certification in Saudi Arabia, following the adoption of the High-Level Structure. All the ISO standards have the same ten clause structure now, including ISO 9001, ISO 14000, and ISO 22000
The Food Safety Professional is not used to managing internal and external issues, which is a challenge, especially at the beginning of their career. Do not let it discourage you. Instead, this is an event to raise awareness of the Organization’s Food Safety Management System and its impact (in addition to food safety).
- Involve the relevant parties.
Interested parties are defined as persons or organizations that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity according to ISO 22000 Consultants Services in Saudi Arabia. Those responsible for food safety should look beyond the direct customer/consumer and assess how their actions impact the ability of the Organization to provide safe food.
- The leadership of top management is vital.
In ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia, the term “Management Commitment” was replaced by “High-Level Structure” or Annex SL, which brought harmony to the structure, clauses, text, and terminology in ISO Management System Standards (MSS).
Clause 1 Coverage
Clause 2 Referrals to norms
Clause 3 Defining terms
Clause 4 The environment of the Organization
Clause 5 Leaders
Clause 6 Organizing
Clause 7 Assistance
Clause 8 Execution
Clause 9 Analysis of performance
Clause 10 Improving.
- We are establishing risks, opportunities, and objectives.
Food safety management involves risk in every aspect. Every system, process, and function requires risk. Therefore, risk needs to be taken into account throughout the management process. In this way, the chances of a food safety management system are identified, considered, and controlled throughout the design, planning, and execution phases.
- Policy concerns food safety.
The 2018 version of ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia introduced some new requirements to the Food Safety Policy, for instance, addressing the need to ensure competencies related to food safety and including a commitment to improving constantly.
- FSMS components developed externally
In the new version of ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia, externally developed elements have been expanded. The 2005 version included using externally developed control measures by small businesses such as farms, retail stores and others.
- We are maintaining records and documents.
Documented information is at the core of ISO Management System Standards (MSS). A Process Framework Model is well suited to ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia because it follows a process-oriented approach. The following figure illustrates five levels of processes.
For an effective Food Safety Management System to be implemented, the following criteria must be organized and disciplined; processes, documents, records, and reviews. A process framework provides process owners with the structure for updating the requirements they are responsible for to meet food safety standards.
- Process diagrams.
Thanks to multi-site certification, organizations implementing ISO 22000 can streamline operations and improve performance with fewer resources. Under multi-site, one certificate is created for multiple locations within the same Organization. Similar functions are essential for multi-site operation. This is where templates, flow diagrams, and mappings are handled centrally.
- Quality Assurance
The verification process takes place here. PDCA, or preventive, diagnostic, corrective, and preventive action, refers to verifying food safety. Once the control of operational food safety processes has been established, the check leads to action.
An organization may be more assertive in some aspects of the PDCA cycle than others regarding operational food safety processes. When a validation effort (plan) is made, a verification effort (check) must also be conducted. With this in mind, we can apply PDCA questions to determine the effectiveness of ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia.
For more information Visit: ISO 22000 Certification in Saudi Arabia