What is the ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq?
ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq also known as Environmental Management System, plays a vital role for organization to consider environmental issues that are related to their operation like air pollution, waste management, climate changes, soil contamination etc.
A guide through to the process of ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq:
- scope of Environmental Management System:
ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq considers the elements that have impact on environmental aspects. The operations will be carried out in some part of the organization which will also include the description of the types of products and services provided and also to which regions the organization is providing.
- Evaluation of environmental opportunities and risks:
This documentation includes the hazards and opportunities that could be encountered in the company or organization during any operations. The risks or hazards that leads to emergency situations or it could be opportunities to improve the environment.
- Environmental policy:
This policy includes the measures that are included for any organization regarding the human activities on the environment and its effects.
- Evaluation of aspects of environment:
The environmental aspects like waste disposal, land contamination, use of fuel, water and other natural resources, air pollution etc. should be reviewed regularly. This is important as most of the organizations consumes materials and generates wastes. Using the risk scoring system, the organization has to identify the most significant aspects for ISO 14001 Certification.
- Environmental plans and objectives:
The organization will have to set up objectives concerning the environment like minimal usage of electricity, raw materials, minimize the wastage of paper, reduce oil spills etc. The auditors will check if the objectives set are consistent and the measures taken
- Operational controls and its procedure:
ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq requires the organizations to define the procedures of the operations that meet the standards.
- Emergency procedures and preparedness:
Emergencies could arise within the organization that affects the environment. In this case the organization needs to demonstrate the procedures and how the organization has been prepared to face such situations. The process should be tested and make sure proper training is given for the same.
- Interested parties and other requirements:
Interested parties are the ones, without whom the businesses might be unable to function. The needs and expectations of these parties should be considered within the management system for ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq.
- Training and recording the competence levels:
Regular trainings towards environmental responsibilities are important for upgrading skills. The organization should make sure that the trainings are being recorded to track the performance and skills. This makes sure that everyone in the organization is competent towards the responsibility.
- Communication evidence:
It’s important that everyone in the organization is aware of the management system. The organization must include internal and external communications for ISO 14001 Certification.
- Monitoring the performance:
The important part of ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq is to monitor the performance and effectiveness. The organization should have a record of these evaluations, as well as evidence that it considers what to measure, when to measure and how to measure.
- Record of compliance obligations:
Everyone in the organization should be aware of the legal environmental requirements. Therefore, regular evaluation should be carried out to establish relevant legal requirements, and must be regularly reviewed to ensure this record is kept up-to-date due to any changes.
- Internal audit:
Internal audit is very important in, assessing the organization’s overall environmental performance and effectiveness. They also help in determining the compliance with the processes set up This record will hold the details of internal audit program, as well as the results of any issues.
- Management Review:
The management must review the ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq regularly to make sure that it remains effective, and a record of the reviewed results should be kept in line with the standard.
- Nonconformities and Corrective Action
The organization should document if there is any non-conformities in the environmental processes and operations, and the actions taken as a result for ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq.
Why choose Certivatic?
Certivatic specializes in providing ISO 14001 Certification in Iraq. We support organizations in obtaining international standard certificates in the most adequate, economical, efficient, time-bound and simplified manner. To know more, visit: www.certivatic.com or write to us at contact@certivatic.com .