Halal Certification In Bahrain
HALAL Certification Bahrain
What is Halal certification in Bahrain?
Halal certification in Bahrain is considered as a permitted food for consumption according to Islamic law. Halal food completely fulfils the conditions that are followed by halal procedure of slaughtering of an animal. The procedure is done according to Islamic law throughout all the stages coming from slaughtering processed transported stored all the available stages. Any contact between the halal and non halal food must be avoided in order to preserve the sanity. Halal certification in Bahrain can be prepared and processed transported with the help of certain measures that is taken under hygiene condition.
Some animals are considered to be unlawful to consume by an Islamic person. Some of those animals are dogs, snakes, monkeys, pics, carnivorous animal with fangs claws such as tiger, lions are similar to that. These animals and some of the birds such as woodpeckers, bees must not be consumed by an Islamic person. The forbidden animals are considered to be as a unlawful to consume according to halal guidelines. Consumption of halal food has many more benefits for the consumer over non halal food consumption
How to get HALAL certification in Bahrain? – Our 5 simple steps:

Step1: Apply for the HALAL certification
Step 2: Provide the list & specifications of the product produced along with the required documents
Step 3: Identify the product to be complied with HALAL practices
Step 4: Inspection of the process & procedures
Step 5: Achieve the HALAL certification!
What is the slaughtering procedure that is used in halal certification in Bahrain?
- The slaughtering of animals must be done by a Muslim person who is knowledgeable and must have experience in slaughtering procedures.
- Animal before slaughtering must be given well food and comfortable environment to live a healthy life.
- The animal slaughtering must be done according to the Islamic law.
- The word for the phrase Bismillah which means “in the name of Allah” must be said immediately after invoking the animal.
- The device or the tool that is used to cut the throat of animal must be sharped very well.
- The animal must be lifted off during the slaughtering which will help in draining out all the blood.
- The slaughtering procedure includes pushing the knife slowly through trachea, oesophagus and main arteries through the neck of the animal.
- Once all the blood is completely drained out of the body of the animal now it is taken for the process. This type of processed meat is adopted by many organisations that are into food industry such as food preparation food processing food packaging transportation and storage.
Halal Certification In Bahrain, Halal literally means permissible food items that are permissible to consume under Islamic law.
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